Hi all, we all muat have aware of some tools used in dark web. One of the tools that is most widely used for illegal downloads of almost any kind, movies, music, books, software, p*rn (most popular, ?), etc. is torrent. We all have used utorrent for sure. Thepiratebay, kickass torrents, tirrentz.eu all have been (in)famous for illegal torrent files.
BUT, torrent technology is a beautiful piece of technology that allows efficient downloads via peer to peer file sharing. This technology can be used for legal downloads, which can allow downloading of large files with more efficient manner. Torrent is almost similar to the Blockchain technology, decentralized system of sharing a file.
I today would like to share a website which allows legal downloads of acaademic materials.
It is a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets – for researchers, by researchers.

The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data, with blazing fast download speeds.
As an avid android user I recommend Flud, a very good and efficient torrent client for Android OS.

Screenshots below:

Google Play link:
Flud Torrent Downloader
Ad free version (no extra feature)
This post is for informing my friends about the app and the site that I prefer to use myself. I don’t endorse them or affiliated to them in any way.
Sharing is fun.
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