Have you heard about NOTS?

Have you heard about NOTS?

NOTS is an acronym for Naturally Occurring Toxic Substances. There are many of them which are found in common food items. I would like to introduce you to some of them so that when you pick those Apples or Mushrooms next time at the departmental store or local...

Download YouTube videos the command line way in openSUSE linux

Download YouTube videos the command line way in openSUSE linux

We can use a small nifty command line utility called youtube-dl to download our favorite YouTube videos in different resolutions as supported by YouTube. It can even download the videos that require users to sigining in to Google (for age or other restrictions)...

openSUSE 13.2 releasing this November

openSUSE 13.2 releasing this November

  The wait for the next release of openSUSE version is almost over as the openSUSE 13.2 is scheduled to be released on November 4th 2014. The Release Candidate is already available for download for those who are willing to try the distro in its latest...

Google releases their first web designing software

Google released a  beta version of their first web designing software called Google Web Designer recently with visual HTML 5 and CSS  support. The application can be downloaded from here : Download Link. 

Get to know unknown callers using the True Caller App

True Caller is a very good free app available for Android phones which helps in identifying unknown callers through the use of a huge database of mobile numbers generated from user submitted data. The app shows up the caller details in the home screen fetched from the...

Flipboard- The Magazine app

Flipboard- The Magazine app

  Flipborad is a very popular magazine app for Android. It was originally available only for iOS and now it is available for a variety of platforms. It offers easy to use interface and various categories of news. It also has Social Connect option to link to your...

Box bumped up free Cloud Storage to 10GB!

Cloud storage giant Box  has bumped up the free storage quota to 10GB from earlier quota of 5GB. Now users can get more space for their cloud storage requirement for personal use. The leader in cloud storage Dropbox   still provides 2GB of free space but they offers...

Get 20GB of Cloud storage from this DropBox alternative free!

Get 20GB of Cloud storage from this DropBox alternative free!

A new cloud storage service called Copy  with features comparable to other existing and famous services has been launched with a very good storage capacity of 15GB to start with.  Copy provides an alternative to the already very popular services...

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